If you've recently received your HMRC reference number (sometimes known as your Gift Aid number), you can add it to your JustGiving account in 2 simple steps:
1. Fill out our online ChV1 form here: http://www.justgiving.com/chv1. You will need to log into your charity's account to complete this.
2. Once the form has been submitted email your Charity Support team to let them know, they'll then add your Gift Aid Number to your account.
Your ChV1 form will be sent to the HMRC so they can approve us as a Gift Aid agent of your charity. This allows us to submit Gift Aid claims to HMRC on your behalf.
Unfortunately, we are only able to claim Gift Aid from the date we receive your Gift Aid number. You may wish to apply to HMRC separately to make a retrospective claim on donations that have already been made.