Giving Checkout is a simple direct donation tool from JustGiving, with 0% fees on each donation, as well as donor data for every donation made through Giving Checkout – all powered by a platform you and your supporters already know and trust. This new tool offers a shareable link, a button for your charity website, and a handy QR code, each bringing supporters directly to your online donation form.
There are many benefits to using Giving Checkout for your online individual giving:
- 0% processing fees
- FREE Giving Checkout reporting across all membership plans
- 100% of available donor data*
- Custom donation options and your charity branding, including your colours and logo
- All JustGiving payment methods supported: PayPal, ApplePay, GooglePay, credit/debit card, bank transfer & Direct Debit
- 5 currencies supported – GBP, USD, EUR, CAD, AUD
*If you would like to see reporting for Events, your JustGiving charity homepage, Campaign Pages and Fundraising Pages, you will need to upgrade to our Grow Plan