What is Swiftaid?
Did you know charities miss out on over £500m of unclaimed Gift Aid every year?
Swiftaid (by Streeva) was developed with the support of HMRC and public money from Innovate UK to maximise tax relief for charity and UK taxpayers.
JustGiving has partnered with Swiftaid to help make missed Gift Aid a thing of the past by removing the burden of admin from charities and their supporters.
Swiftaid is an ISO 27001 and ISO 22301 accredited company, regulated by the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) and recognised by HMRC.
You can check out the Swiftaid website here - https://www.swiftaid.co.uk/
Is donation data shared with anyone for any purpose other than Gift Aid?
Taxpayer and donation data is only shared between JustGiving and Swiftaid for the specific purpose of claiming Gift Aid.
Will donor details and declarations be shared with charities?
Charities that are on the scheme do not get access to taxpayer details.
Swiftaid centralises taxpayer data and submits the relevant Gift Aid claims to HMRC directly or in some cases the Gift Aid declarations to a Gift Aid agent for submission to HMRC.
How does it work?
When your donor adds Gift Aid through JustGiving, they authorise Swiftaid as a donor intermediary. Once this is active, any eligible donation they make in the current tax year to a charity participating in the scheme can have Gift Aid automatically added to it with no additional action required from the donor.
As a charity you can find out more here.