JustGiving is proud to offer free reporting for Giving Checkout donations across all membership plans.
You can now run a dedicated report to see any donations made solely through Giving Checkout, making it easier to keep track of the money your charity has raised!
What data will we be able to see?
Data points will include the following*
- Name & surname
- Donor email
- Postal address including postcode
- Country
- GDPR consent flag
*depending on payment method and availability of JustGiving account, billing or Gift Aid information. In some cases, you may also receive the donor’s town and county/state.
How do we ensure GDPR compliance?
Other donations made through the JustGiving website will only generate the details of donors who have opted in to hear from you. When donors give through Giving Checkout, 100% of your donor data will be visible.
It is important to honour your donors' communication consent preferences.
To see which donors want to keep in touch with you, you’ll need to check the ‘Donor Further Contact’ column in your reports which indicates their communication preference.
If you would like to see reporting for Events, your JustGiving charity homepage, Campaign Pages and Fundraising Pages, you will need to upgrade to our Grow Plan