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How to log in to your account

How do I log in to my charity account?

  1. Head to our login page
  2. Enter the log-in details you received when you signed up to JustGiving.

You might want to bookmark the login page in your browser, as you'll be using it a lot!

I don't have any log-in details, how do I get these?

Speak to your account Admin who will be able to add you as a user. The account Admin is often the person who completed the initial application for the charity to join JustGiving. 

How can I change my login details?

  1. Use your existing details to log in to your charity account. 
  2. Click on Settings
  3. Click on Change your password
  4. Enter your current password, the new password and confirm the new password.
  5. Click the purple Save button

I've forgotten my login details

If you've forgotten your password, just head to the log in screen and select Forgot your password? Then just enter your email, click Reset Password and we'll email you a link to reset your password.

If you've forgotten the email you use with your charity account, if you're experiencing any problems logging in, just contact us.

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