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What widgets can you add to your website?

We have created a Widget Builder that enables you to add plug-ins to websites which link with JustGiving’s products, helping you reach more people and raise more for the causes you care about.

There are different Widgets available:

  1. Donate button – takes your support into the donation flow with your charity pre-selected
  2. Fundraising button – takes your supporter to JustGiving to create a fundraising page for your charity
  3. Events board – markets your charity’s events on JustGiving and converts your visitors into fundraisers
  4. Fundraiser leaderboard – showcases your charity’s top 10 active fundraisers in a real-time leaderboard 

How to add a donate button widget to your website

Visit https://widgets.justgiving.com and search for your charity.

  1. Select the which widget you’d like to use.
  2. Choose a button style and size (small or large)
  3. Add a reference (for the donation button) this will help you track which donations were made via this button. The reference will appear in your JustGiving donation reports.
  4. Get your code. Simply paste the code generated directly into the section of your website HTML where you’d like the button to be placed.

For more information about adding a donate button widget to your WordPress website, please click here.

There's also the option to add a Donate Box to your website. 

Adding an events board or fundraising leaderboard to your website

  1. Select the which widget you’d like to use.
  2. Add a reference. This will help you track which donations were made via the widget. The reference will appear in your JustGiving donation reports.
  3. Get your code. Simply paste the code generated directly into the section of your website HTML where you’d like the widget to be placed.

For events to show on the events board Widget you'll need to add them to your charity's list of events.

Check out the Fundraiser leaderboard in action.





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